Thursday, January 28, 2010


Every High Schooler always says "I hate my life." They could be going through family troubles, friend problems, grade issues or just bored. Well all i have to say is..I hate my life..too!
It's boring where I live. Nothing really to do when its cold unless you have a car. In the summer time, its fun to walk around my neighborhood and just hang. But its too cold for that now.
I'm always going through family troubles. My mother gets mad at me very often. She just told me to fuck off. Yay! Don't i feel loved. It doesn't bother me because I don't plan on being daughterly to her anymore. She lost my trust, so now I'm not speaking to her. I'll speak to her enough so she won't yell at me. But not telling her about my day to day life anymore.
I am not a quiet person so this will be hard.

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